As far as blog updates go, I know I have been horrible. Well the day after going to Sydney Wildlife Park I was sick and had the cold the entire week, plus last weekend it was pretty much non stop rain here, so it was a perfect inside weekend anyway and I was able to catch up on reading some stuff for class and do assignments. There were parts of Australia that flooded but South of Sydney. Sydney needed the rain as the only rain I saw here until that day would be sprinkles of rain for 5 minutes or so and then the sun would return. It was crazy to watch the non stop pouring down rain from my room.
By Tuesday the rain seemed to have disappeared and the sun was finally back out, definitely making my day better. A day with the sun out is just always better in my opinion. Tuesday I worked on planning out my trip to Cairns to go to the Great Barrier Reef. The package isn’t too expensive to spend 2 nights there and go snorkeling, however the plane flights make it so much more and keep going up each day. I still am not sure which days I will be going up there, just know I will be going sometime in the first week of break, as we have 2.5 weeks off. Aside from that trip, I will be staying in friend’s apartments over the break as it is cheaper than paying extra to stay at my college. This means that I have to fully move out of my room and move back in after 2 weeks (I paid for the last few nights of the break). At my college, they rent out the rooms to people over the break and throughout the year to people who come for conferences and since I am in the New Wing with a bathroom that I only share with one other person, these are the preferred rooms, rather than having a community bathroom of course. It is strange though that everyone has to move out over the break, even the Aussies, but our break is long. I am glad I packed light so all my stuff will easily fit into my 2 suitcases.
Later that day I had my tutorial for that class and we had to make a pamphlet for a natural disaster. I wanted to do volcanoes, just because they are so cool, especially after seeing them in Hawaii and then Costa Rica. Somehow I ended up sitting at the table with all the guys in my class (which is only 4) and as usual we got distracted talking to our tutor (aka teacher). We had macbook pro computers to use and I am apparently clueless when it comes to macs as I could not seem to do anything right even with the settings on windows. I struggled with scrolling and copying photos and using the mousepad, but eventually I got the hang of it enough to throw together a quick pamphlet on volcanoes and yes I’m the only one who put this pamphlet together and yet all the guys put their name on it too…At least they did all thank me for putting something together for them. What was also funny was that one guy always asks me what happened in class today, as he never goes to lectures because they aren’t mandatory or anything. I pulled up a picture of our guest speaker and told him about the free stuff we got too…yep he missed out.
Then comes Friday and the amount of work that I have to do in the next 2 weeks finally hit me. Overall though, it’s a short list, it will just take some time to get through. Plus I am also trying to figure out my plans for the first week of my break as days for things keep changing. Eventually it will all come together, hopefully by mid week this coming week when I finally do book my flights.
After dinner on Friday, I went to Zumba with a couple people, which was good. I hadn’t been to the gym lately because I was getting over a cold, but it was so nice to go back as I have missed it. Hopefully this week I’ll have some time to go swimming again too.
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